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针对提升泵存在轴头力过大的问题,采用调整口环直径、前盖板加装辅助叶片、降低转速等方法进行轴向力平衡,对于2500 t/d反渗透海水淡化的提升泵,通过降低转速增加叶轮尺寸的方法来平衡轴向力使结构更趋合理.结合反渗透海水淡化的工艺流程,提出提升泵性能参数的确定方法.鉴于提升泵入口高压的运行环境,选择单级悬臂、双蜗壳、三推力轴承组合结构形式,采用较粗的轴径和较小的悬臂比,提高系统的稳定性.应用新型的上游泵送机械密封,通过100 h的运转试验,在较高的压力环境下运行,仍能保持良好的密封性能,且断面无接触,磨损量小,解决了高压环境下轴封反复失效的问题.  相似文献   
研究了600MPa超高压下,不同浓度的CaCl2介质对马铃薯淀粉结构的影响。应刚偏光显微镜和X-射线衍射对样品进行了分析测试。结果表明,不管浓度大小如何,CaCl2均可以抑制淀粉的糊化,其偏光十字均保持得较好;低浓度的CaCl2对马铃薯淀粉的结晶结构影响不大,高浓度的CaCl2则由于渗透作用而导致淀粉结晶结构部分发生破坏。  相似文献   
本文对自压喷灌系统的合理减压方式和布置形式进行了分析。用递推法导出确定减压池级数及位置的计算公式。根据减压池的工况分析,探讨了减压池调节容积的计算方法。本文为自压喷灌系统的减压设计提供了方法和依据。  相似文献   
利用正交表优化设计自压式低压管灌系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在渠灌区,研究充分利用地形落差情况下自压式低压管灌树状管网的优化设计,对降低投资有重要意义。管网优化设计应将管网布置优化和管径优化结合进行设计。本文利用正交表及其优化分析原理,同时结合应用非线性数学规划法优化管径,不仅可得到所有管网布置组合中的最优方案,还可视实际需要得到若干次优方案。该优化设计法计算工作量较小,简单可靠且实用。  相似文献   
高精度气动比例压力阀设计与特性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
设计了一种两级阀芯活塞式结构的以比例电磁铁为控制元件,采用电反馈闭环控制的高精度气动比例压力阀。该阀输出压力在0.6MPa内连续可调,且稳态精度可达0.25 kPa。建立了比例阀完整的非线性动态模型,分析了主要物理和几何参数对系统动态特性和控制性能的影响;构建了输出因子调整的模糊自适应比例加积分控制器,并利用ATmega16单片机实现了压力在设定范围内的快速高精度控制。实验结果表明,该阀在设计压力范围内具有良好的压力和流量特性;和传统PI算法相比,输出因子调整的模糊自适应算法在改善系统响应和控制稳定性的同时,显著提高了稳态控制精度,具有较高的效率和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
在大气模拟试验台架上对运行在不同大气压下的直喷式柴油机的经济性、动力性、烟度及噪声特性进行对比试验研究与分析。试验结果表明:随着大气压力的减少,柴油机有效燃油消耗率、小时燃油消耗量、排气温度、烟度及噪声声功率增加,动力性下降。  相似文献   
针对喷灌系统受作业区域需水量的影响造成系统喷头不能稳定可靠工作的问题,结合工程实例,提出了利用PLC及变频器来实现温室喷灌系统恒压供水.给出了变频调速恒压供水系统原理图,并进行了系统的主电路设计和软件设计.阐述了利用上位机、PIC、变频器、压力变送器、电机-水泵系统等组成的恒压供水系统,能按照设定的工作压力,实时切换泵组投入工频或变频状态运行,达到恒压供水的目的.系统能通过上位机实现下位机的控制参数的设定、系统的实时监测、数据管理等任务,自动化程度高.应用表明,系统实现简单,操作方便,运行稳定,可靠,且具有较好的节能效果.  相似文献   
液压技术在农机中的应用日益广泛,油菜生产机械化装备近几年在国家大力支持下有了较快发展,由于液压技术的优势,在油菜机械装备中也应用越来越多,文章就目前我国油菜生产机械中所应用的液压技术进行了综述和研究。  相似文献   
Abstract  Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), in the Bay of Biscay exhibited diel activity patterns with more individuals outside their burrows at dawn and dusk, increasing catchability at these times. Data from an on board observer programme on Nephrops trawlers between 2002 and 2005 were used to assess variability in catchability in commercial catches. Catch numbers per haul varied spatially and between months, but no signal for diel variations was found. Fishing strategies developed by the Nephrops trawlers had several components. On a seasonal level, they started around sunrise. On a haul level, haul duration decreased from haul to haul, with the longest hauls taking place at the time of the highest catchability. By-catch of hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), increased more than proportionally with haul duration.  相似文献   
Abstract  Socioeconomic characterisation of fishing activities in the Veracruz Reef System National Park was used to develop a management system which balances the community's livelihood, and the conservation needs of the protected area. A survey was applied to four sectors of the fishing community: the fishers, fishers' wives, retailers and local population. The survey determined their perceptions about: (1) fishing as a lifestyle; (2) economic alternatives; (3) perspectives about the future; (4) environment; and (5) knowledge of the National Park as a protected area. Fishers devoted an average of 27 years fishing, investing an average of 12 h per day giving a regular income of 15–20 US$. Most interviewed (60%) were full-time fishers, with fishing the only family income source. Fishers are predominately educated to primary school level (64%).The main problem faced by fishers and the communities were economic opportunities but 89% believed that mariculture could be an alternative income source. There was strong ecological awareness, with 75% aware of the decline in fisheries resource and 62% knowing about the role of protected areas. There was divided opinion about future perspectives. Inefficient organisation and communication between authorities and fishers were identified as obstacles to co-management. Discussion on alternative incomes and a proposal involve fishers in co-management initiatives are presented.  相似文献   
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